Port of Call

I wrote a chapter-shaped love poem about Port of Call (Sir Chapter 13) in New Orleans. I've been to a lot of restaurants in New Orleans, most of them simply outstanding, but push-comes-to-shove, Port of Call is at the top of my favorites list.   First, it’s a damned good hamburger. And this is coming from someone who doesn’t really like hamburgers. Second, baked potatoes piled obscenely high with cheese, butter, and sour cream. Need I say more? Third <drumroll ...

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What Does Brady Look Like?

I was doing one of my last sets of rewrites and I realized… I never described Brady! *gasp!* How could this happen?!?! I describe what brand of chapstick Tori wears but I don’t describe her ex??? What is wrong with me? So I went man-shopping again. (What a burden, amirite?) I went with Charlie Hunnam. I know, I know. He’s too cute to be a douche like Brady. But we only know he’s a douche because of what Tori went through. He has to be cute and charming enough to have ...

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