2 posts tagged Nate Stone

Sir: The Awakening Advanced Copy of Chapter One

Hello, darling readers. When you purchased Sir, I promised you a chapter from Sir: The Awakening if you visited my website. I've been having some problems setting up a downloadable copy (unless you join my mailing list, but that doesn't help if you're already on it; however I'll get it to y'all somehow, promise), so I figured that I would just post it here. . . Which I did. . . For a day. Maybe two. Then I went onto my Goodreads page only to discover that my ARC copy of Chapter 1 ...

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What Does Nate Stone Look Like?

Nate. Nathanial. Mr. Stone. Sir. I did a lot of research looking up super hot dudes who looked relatable enough to be an A-list actor but were still smokin’. I ended up searching in models rather than actors. I don’t want y’all to look at this guy’s photo and think “Brad Pitt”*; instead, I want y’all to look at it and go “Ohh, that’s Nate. Yeah, he’s hot.” I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but most Hollywood A list types (at least in my opinion and minus a ...

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