What Does Nate Stone Look Like?

Nate. Nathanial. Mr. Stone. Sir.

I did a lot of research looking up super hot dudes who looked relatable enough to be an A-list actor but were still smokin’. I ended up searching in models rather than actors. I don’t want y’all to look at this guy’s photo and think “Brad Pitt”*; instead, I want y’all to look at it and go “Ohh, that’s Nate. Yeah, he’s hot.”

I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but most Hollywood A list types (at least in my opinion and minus a few examples like those Hemsworth brothers) aren’t super-OMG-drolling-fainting-crying gorgeous. They’re relatable. They’re every-men, but tend to be HOT every-men. After all, their job IS to be a dad in one movie, a hitman in another, the romantic lead in a third, etc etc. They wear a lot of hats as actors and it’s harder to wear a bunch of hats when you look like you walked off the cover a romance novel (hehe).

So I went for approachable/I’ve-dated-this-dude hot. I think I found him.

Meet <drum roll please>


Otherwise known in the real world outside of the Awakening Series…

 The male model otherwise known as Andrew Cooper <standing ovation!>

[I obviously don’t own any of these photos or have any rights to them, the rights are owned by whoever took them for whatever company he was modeling for]

for Lc Waikiki

He’s sexy…

photographed by Paul Scala

He’s approachable.

for Massimo Dutti

He totally looks like a dude you may have once dated.
Or thought about dating.
Or decided it wasn’t going to work out so you didn’t even try to date him…

don’t know where I found this…

He looks like an actor.
One you saw in the latest action movie.
Or on TV.

photographed by Nico

But he’s still the hot guy-next-door.

no clue where I found it except Google Images

Who cleans up VERY well.

photographed by Arseto Adiputra

And looks even better when wearing very little…

photographed by Paul Scala

off of some article about how hot he is; they didn’t credit anyone, either

But you’d believe that he grew up in a trailer park…

the watermark in the corner is the website I pulled it from, but they don’t own it either

He has an edge to him…

Google Images

Where you’re like, “Yeah, I would totally let him do dirty, dirty things to me.”

photographed by Paul Scala

Yes, Sir, more, please?

Google Images

Andrew Cooper as Nate Stone, ladies and gentlemen.

not mine, alas


*I say I don’t want Brad Pitt, but the irony is, of course, that when I pitch Sir to people, I pitch it as “Imagine 30 year old Brad Pitt returns to his south Louisiana hometown and tries to seduce the local diner waitress”…

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