How SIR came to be (and why it ends on a cliffhanger). . .
I knew going into publishing Sir essentially what the main criticisms would be. Not to brag (but), I've been a professional writer -- not for books, but tomato/tomato -- long enough that I have a decent grasp of where my weaknesses lie and, with enough time, I can emotionally distance myself from my work product to have a general idea of what it's weaknesses are.
So I KNEW, when pressing the button to publish Sir, that people were going to think that it started slow with too much ...
Sir: The Awakening Advanced Copy of Chapter One
Hello, darling readers.
When you purchased Sir, I promised you a chapter from Sir: The Awakening if you visited my website. I've been having some problems setting up a downloadable copy (unless you join my mailing list, but that doesn't help if you're already on it; however I'll get it to y'all somehow, promise), so I figured that I would just post it here. . .
Which I did. . .
For a day. Maybe two.
Then I went onto my Goodreads page only to discover that my ARC copy of Chapter 1 ...
Actors and Directors and Producers, Oh MY!
A Tiny Insight into the Film (and Television) Industry
This is something I didn’t know until I actually was in the industry. In simple terms:
Actors are the “talent” (they’re literally called that *eye roll*). They’re the faces that make the story real. I guess that’s why they make bank (sometimes, depending, not the bit parts).
Directors direct the movie. It’s their vision how the script comes alive. Their job is to make sure that there’s ...